U. Shivraj Sohur, M.D., Ph.D.
Founder, The 5-2035 Movement
Dr. Sohur is in the Department of Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital specializing in Movement Disorders and complex Neurology. He is a physician leader in pharmaceutical drug development, and a part-time instructor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, where he has served on the MD-PhD subcommittee on admissions since 2015. Before entering drug development, Dr. Sohur was an investigator at the MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease (MIND) where he and his team studied the molecular development of Parkinson’s disease dopaminergic circuitry.
Dr. Sohur’s interest in global health is personal and accidental.
In rapid succession around 2009, his parents were struck by preventable chronic non-communicable diseases in his native Mauritius, a country where 40% of adults are either diabetic or pre-diabetic. His mother, a diabetic, passed away of an acute coronary syndrome, and his father, an unchecked hypertensive, had a debilitating brain hemorrhage that eventually proved prematurely fatal. Dr. Sohur’s painful loss led him to establish the 5-2035 Global Foundation for Community Health. The moniker ‘5-2035’ refers to the goal to decrease uncontrolled diabetes to 5% in Mauritius by the year 2035. The organization now has over 500 adherents in 15+ countries and territories and growing.
In summary, the 5-2035 Vision aspires to help realize the UNSDG3 ‘Health For All’ ideal by tapping into the internal energy of communities, propelled by inclusive capitalism. At the heart of this innovative proposal is the 5-2035 Community Health Officer (CHO) coupled with the SEED-SCALE (Self-Evaluation for Effective Decision-making and Systems for Communities to Adapt Learning and Expand) framework to generate a sustainable, frugally innovative, and scalable community-empowered healthcare driven by clinical excellence, community organization, and community-based participatory research.
To catalyze the implementation of the 5-2035 Vision in diverse health ecosystems of Mauritius, Pakistan, and India, Dr. Sohur and friends are planning to conduct ICEHALL (Interventions in Communities to Encourage Health for ALL Impact Study).