The Mass General Global Health Research Collaborative (GHRC) is a collaboration of global health research groups and global health faculty across departments, centers, and institutes at MGH. The Collaborative exists to advance interdisciplinary science in the pursuit of global health equity and to foster innovative bench, clinical, and population health research partnerships to generate knowledge that will positively influence the health of underserved populations globally. Guided by a set of core values the Collaborative leverages MGH’s strength in research career development to also provide a platform for students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty to seek global health collaborations, mentorship, and career development opportunities.
The Collaborative is convened by the Mass General Center for Global Health and includes a number of founding partners: the Mongan Institute, the Ragon Institute, the Mass General Division of Pediatric Global Health, as well as faculty from the Mass General Cancer Center, Mass General Departments of Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Dermatology, OB/GYN, Surgery, Neurology, and Psychiatry.