Ingrid Katz, MD, MHS
Ingrid Katz, MD, MHS is Associate Faculty Director at the Harvard Global Health Institute, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Associate physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Katz has spent the past decade focused on developing sustainable socio-behavioral interventions aimed at improving care for the most underserved in low-resourced settings, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa. Her expertise in mixed-methods research combines qualitative and quantitative techniques to understand barriers to care in hard-to-reach populations. In addition to her NIH-funded research, Dr. Katz holds an appointment in the Division of Medical Communications, where she has taken on multiple roles including National Correspondent at the New England Journal of Medicine, as well as commentary for NPR and BBC on topics related to HIV, global health, and the Covid pandemic. She co-led a course in 2020 (with Professor Allan Brandt) in the Harvard College Program in General Education titled, “Confronting COVID-19: Science, History, Policy (Gen Ed 1170), taught to over 130 Harvard College students. She has received the A. Clifford Barger Excellence in Mentoring Award in 2019, and was selected as the inaugural recipient of the Dean’s Award for an Emerging Leader in Women’s Careers in 2021, by the Joint Committee on the Status of Women, in recognition of a faculty member who is making an impact to advance women’s careers at Harvard Medical School and its affiliated hospitals.
Please see Dr. Katz’s Harvard Catalyst Profile for selected publications.