Alexander Tsai, MD
Director, Program on Social Policy and Behavioral Health
Dr. Alexander Tsai is a board-certified psychiatrist at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Director of the CGH Program on Social Policy and Behavioral Health, a faculty affiliate at the MGH Mongan Institute, and Associate Director for Research and Trainee Development in the MGH Division of Global Psychiatry. Through his research, he seeks to understand how large-scale social forces such as violence, stigma, and food and water insecurity conspire to undermine health and mental health among the poor and excluded. Dr. Tsai is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Social Science and Medicine-Mental Health. Prior to his appointment at Mass General, he completed a Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholars postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University and his residency training in general adult psychiatry at the University of California at San Francisco. He was elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation in 2021.
Please see Dr. Tsai’s Harvard Catalyst profile for selected publications.