This story is part of our Summer 2021 Newsletter. To read the full newsletter, click here.
CGH RECENTLY LAUNCHED the MGH Global Health Finish Line Grant (GHFLG). The grant aims to provide junior investigators and trainees from MGH global health faculty partner sites with the funds, support, and mentorship they need to bring their research projects to completion.
With the creation of the GHFLG, CGH acknowledges the financial and time challenges many researchers from low- and middle-income countries face while conducting research. By providing financial support and promoting mentorship between partner sites, CGH hopes to alleviate some of these barriers.
GHFLG grants range from $500-$2,500 per award each year. They can be used for protected time, childcare support, publication costs, administrative support to facilitate submissions, or other specified tasks.
Pre-tenured junior investigators or trainees from low- and middle-income countries with CGH faculty mentors are encouraged to apply here.